ZALORA operates a zero-tolerance policy towards the buying and selling of counterfeit products. We strive to ensure that all products sold on our platform are authentic and sourced directly from reputable suppliers.
Is ZALORA fake? ZALORA is a legit online retailer that holds a very high standard and process in making sure that all brands including both local and international brands from ZALORA shoes, clothing, accessories, beauty products, etc are 100% authentic. ZALORA also carries selected leading luxury brands from top designers worldwide, which have been sourced from reputable and authentic suppliers and sellers.
We implement a stringent supplier selection process to avoid counterfeit items featured on our platforms. ZALORA does not sell fake products to its customers. Furthermore, we ensure that the appropriate approvals have been obtained to sell all products "sold by ZALORA" and "sold by Seller" in the countries we operate in.
Our supply chain is vast in order to accommodate the variety and quantity of items sold on our platforms. Despite its broadness, ZALORA endeavours to ensure visibility over our sourcing processes - particularly for "sold by Seller" items.
All products sold on ZALORA are authentic. However, if you happen to purchase an item that is not up to your expectations, we kindly advise you to return the item for a refund. You may also write to our friendly Customer Service Team here; so that we can launch an investigation into the issue. For more information on how to return your item, please click here.